Our September meeting was held on the 3rd of the month, starting promptly at 6pm. The club had an attendance of 15 of the 27 members. Treasurer Report & Old Business were discussed including classes which are currently being held for the Technician License Class, book purchasing for the classes mentioned, donation request forms, and pending grant information.

New matters were discussed as well. Bob Harris (WB2UBW) made mention of several radios, power supplies, and miscellaneous equipment he has available for sale from his recent estate purchase. Richmond’s Ham Fest is happening this week, on September 14th along with Louisville’s the weekend prior. Corey (AA4JP) brought to the club’s attention his new venture into Logan County’s 4H. He will be starting a Ham Radio Club for youth ages 10 & up, and the first meeting will be on Friday, September 20th at 6pm. Rodney (W4RRA) reminded the attendees of Trash Pickup with the Solid Waste Coordinator; this will be scheduled during October’s meeting.  Lorraine (W4XXA) let everyone know she planned to email out donation forms for club members to distribute.

With elections being next month, club members agreed that nominations should be made during September’s meeting annually to give club members time to reflect. A motion was also made to amend the by-laws to reflect this change. Ballots will be completed during October’s meeting and votes will be tallied.

Rodney (W4RRA) opened the floor to nominations. He declined the nomination for presidency. A new nomination was made: Bob Harris (WB2UBW), and the nomination was accepted. Tony Bivens (KN4FYL) was nominated and accepted nomination for Vice President. Corey Page (AA4JP) was nominated and accepted nomination for Treasurer (a two-year position). Lorraine Adler (W4XXA) was nominated and accepted nomination for Secretary. Troy “Mater” Moss stepped down from Member at Large, and a new nomination was made: William McKinney (KK4SSV). The nomination was accepted. Ballots for election will also include a blank space for write-ins.

A meeting between Board of Directors was called to order for next month.  September’s meeting was adjourned.  Please be sure to attend our October meeting starting promptly at 6pm on Tuesday, October 1st, 2024. The Location for meeting is 101 N Thurston Dr., Russellville, KY 42276.


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